Who we are....
REVERSEMED Plastic Surgery Center aims to provide high standard Plastic Surgery services. We offer specialized Aesthetic & Reconstructive Surgery treatments resulting at both improving the external appearance and overall well-being of the individual.With an increased sense of responsibility – we administer a range of treatments, invasive or non-invasive. In summary, our main fields of action and care include: plastic surgery of the face and body, reconstructive surgery and non-invasive treatments.
“Our main concern is safety in conjuction with a natural result”
Plastic surgeon Anastasia Sidiropoulou, assisted by her experienced team, considers equally important a natural outcome, as well as, the satisfaction of the individual.We are confident we can cover your every need, using the most advanced surgical techniques, topped by our experience of a vast variety of successful invasive or non-invasive treatments.
Finally, taking into account that our top priority is always your safety, the appropriate result is pursued perfectly and without exaggeration, in accordance with the particularities of each body. After all, our “secret” is hidden, as Mrs. Sidiropoulou always points out, in the concept of balance and harmony.
"The secret is in balance"
Plastic Surgery
"Η ομορφιά είναι εσωτερική υπόθεση"
Most popular treatments
"Start to be beautiful"
What our
customers say

A lifelong dream came true at the age of 47. The inconvenience was so little for what I enjoy now. My whole psychology has changed, I am so happy and I feel that I have all the energy I need to start a new life.
Lefki K.

"Since I was little, I dreamed of the day I would have breast augmentation surgery. Of course there was fear and anxiety but I was always determined. The whole process and the final result dispelled any doubts and fears I may have had and now I strongly recommend to all those interested to proceed with their decision. Of course, it is a surgery with all that entails, but the pain and perhaps the strain that I went through for no more than a week is nullified by the feeling of confidence that my new breast gives me."
Dimitra G.
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