Remove moles (nevi) without any marks at all, using modern lasers. Safe, painless and effective.

How is it done?

Laser or surgery?

In most cases with modern laser technology. Depending on the type of mole, they can also be removed surgically.

In any case, moles are removed with no visible scars.

Skin cancer

Indications for mole removal:

  • Change in color, shape or size.
  • Lesions prone to repeated injures.
  • Itching.
  • Aesthetic reasons.

Self-examination and early diagnosis lead to treatment and cure.

We advice self examination looking for changes, suspicious signs, etc.
The ABCD rule can help us remember the suspicious signs of a mole.
A Asymmetry The asymmetry in the shape of a mole. If we divide the mole in half with a line, the two "halves" are not identical.
B Border The borders of the nevus are usually raised, indistinct or irregular.
C Color The color of the mole is not uniform.
D Diameter There is a change in the diameter of the mole


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